Oil & Gas Separations

Extractive Separations - Polarex

Oil & Gas Separation Anxiety? You can relax!

The application of liquid extractions comes with many challenges. 
Learn more about the possibilities to face these challenges.

 Separation challenges that might sound familiar to you

You can tackle these challenges to extract soluble contaminants in midstream, downstream and petrochemical applications with technologies for liquid-liquid extraction.

Conventional Systems 

Trayed Columns & Packed Columns are conventional approaches to remove dissolved contaminants that utilize washing the hydrocarbon with water.


  • Traditional method
  • Proven performance


  • High solvent losses
  • Low operating window
  • Low stage efficiencies
  • Bigger equipment size
  • Higher solvent re-circulation rates
  • Higher capital cost
  • Poor separations of process and solvent streams
Improve Separation with Pentair Polarex Technology

Polarex  extraction systems have been developed utilizing Pentair Polarex Technology to create a single-stage, high-efficiency, structured contactor/separator. Saving end-users capital while increasing process reliability, greater operability and product quality. 

Why use Polarex instead of a conventional system?

  • Higher mass transfer rate 
  • Smaller, modular system design 
  • Higher equilibrium efficiency for each stage (Murphee efficiency 90-95%) 
  • Reduced solvent usage 
  • Fewer extraction stages to achieve desired extraction 
  • Specialized Pentair Media to minimize solvent carry-over (removal of sub-micron size droplets) 
  • High turndown ratio 
  • Reduced CAPEX and OPEX 
  • Fewer operational issues (i.e. flooding, etc.) 

Pentair Polarex Applications

⦁ Caustic recovery
⦁ Amine recovery from Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
⦁ Amine treating Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
⦁ Methanol removal
⦁ Chloride salt removal from Butane

Learn more about how to extract soluble contaminants in midstream, downstream and petrochemical applications.
Watch how you can extract solubale contaminanants in an educational webinar exploring the different technologies on how to solve your separation anxiety.


Watch what the Pentair Polarex Technology has to offer

Explore the Pentair Polarex Technology and how it works in midstream, downstream and petrochemical applications.


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