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- Refining
Refineries process crude oil, often to be refined into useful products such as petroleum naphtha, gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating oil, kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas.
The hundreds of different hydrocarbon molecules in crude oil are separated in a refinery into components which can be used as fuels, lubricants, and as feedstocks in petrochemical processes that manufacture such products as plastics, detergents, solvents, elastomers and fibers such as nylon and polyesters.Petroleum fossil fuels are burned in internal combustion engines to provide power for ships, automobiles, aircraft engines, lawn mowers, chainsaws, and other machines.
Once oil is separated and purified of any contaminants and impurities, the fuel or lubricant can be sold without further processing.
Pentair can apply highly efficient separations technology to a number of process units within a refinery, including, but not limited to: Naptha hydrotreater, catalytic reformer, distillate hydrotreater, hydrocracker, coking units, alkylation units, amine treaters, and wastewater units.

The key to optimizing a hydroprocessing unit is to maximize the life of the catalyst bed and increase energy efficiency of the furnaces.
Purify benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) from refinery or petrochemical aromatics streams such as catalytic reformate or pyrolysis gasoline. This liquid-liquid extraction processes offers lower capital and operating costs, simplicity of operation, range of feedstock, and solvent performance.
Product custody transfer involves a number of processes, all of which are intended to meet transfer specifications in terms of water, particulate and metals.
Hydrocarbons in the sour water system are typically present on a continuous basis at up to 10,000 ppm and during upsets to levels greater than 50,000 ppm.
There are a number of factors that affect the capacity and operation of a typical amine system. Solid or liquid contaminants in the system may cause foaming. The presence of foaming is typically addressed by the addition of expensive antifoam chemicals and/or by reducing the operating capacity of the amine system.
Fuel Gas Streams are frequently contaminated with liquid aerosols. The liquid exists as a stable and persistent “smoke” in the gas stream.
The key aspects of an alkylation unit pertain to the amount of acid that needs to be made-up on a continuing basis. This cost becomes even more critical if the plant has no onsite acid regeneration, or the acid consumption exceeds the acid regeneration capacity.
The key aspects of a caustic treating system pertain to the degree of contact between the caustic and hydrocarbon to facilitate the mass transfer.