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- Chemical
Polymers and plastics, especially polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene terephthalate, polystyrene and polycarbonate comprise about 80% of the industry’s output worldwide. Chemicals are used to make a wide variety of consumer goods, as well as thousands of inputs to agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and service industries. The chemical industry itself consumes 26 percent of its own output.Major industrial customers include rubber and plastic products, textiles, apparel, petroleum refining, pulp and paper, and primary metals.
The chemical industry involves the use of chemical processes such as chemical reactions and refining methods to produce a wide variety of solid, liquid, and gaseous materials. Most of these products serve to manufacture other items, although a smaller number go directly to consumers. Solvents, pesticides, lye, washing soda, and portland cement provide a few examples of product used by consumers.
Pentair technologies are dramatically more effective than conventional solutions and applications include but are not limited to:
- Ethylene quench water
- Reactor protection from fouling
- Silicon purification
- Catalyst recovery
- Polymer purification
- Biodesiel purification
- Loading rack purification
- Removal of deformable gels
- Color removal
- Water separation to mitigate processing issues
- Nitrogen purification
- Ammonia removal
- Debottlenecking waste water facilities
- Lubricant purification
- Catalyst bed purification
- Adsorbant bed purification

Eliminate hydrocarbons in Quench Water system, minimize fouling, provide greater system reliability, lower maintenance, lower energy costs.
Silicones are inert, synthetic compounds with a variety of forms and uses. Typically heat-resistant and rubber-like, they are used in sealants, adhesives, lubricants, medical applications, cookware, and insulation.
Reactor products can contain gelatinous, deformable solids form in coating formulation. Batch Process: Limited reactor turn-over (constrained through-put) due to long filtration process. Reduce operating costs and batch cycle time, double capacity and increase online life.
Purify benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX) from refinery or petrochemical aromatics streams such as catalytic reformate or pyrolysis gasoline. This liquid-liquid extraction processes offers lower capital and operating costs, simplicity of operation, range of feedstock, and solvent performance.